I say that the challenge is over. Today females are equally compatible , equally knowledgeable ... with shoulder to shoulder and head to head walking with males in each and every sphere of life .Female activism is not a zero sum game where only females will be benefited but it is equally fruitful for males as well. Mathematically proven a*b= everything, a*0 = nothing , that means that males and females together can create everything , only males or females is nothing more then zero.
Every single male in this world wants her partner equally compatible , knowledgeable so that she can share his responsibilities , economically and socially as well so that can create a balanced family and build a bright future for their kids . They are like wheels to wagon that let it go on, if any one is missing or one is bigger and other is smaller it will create imbalance which will lead to a disaster .
Sun and Moon are equally important to sustain life on this earth , so are males and females to let this life cycle on earth go on and on .
Lets take a global view. All the Scandinavian countries and other developed countries like USA, France, Germany,Australia etc are the countries where female activism is highest and these are the countries which rank highest on HDI(Human development index). That means these countries have better standard of living , better literacy rate , better life expectancy . Which implies that if a male on an average is living 65 years , if female activism increase this will add some years to his life !!! Now you decide is it a challenge or it is life for males!!!!!!!!
Good inferential view...