Well before I was just writing all this I had to think a lot about what can be or what Is worth copying from America that can be feasible and beneficial for India and its economy .After a long brainstorming I just thought what is the thing that I observed most and with what I spent the most of my time here so that I can write down about its feasibility and characteristics and what I came to pen down is the Education system or putting it in different words is the Education Business Model of USA . UNCC (University of North Carolina) charlotte has inspired me a lot to start a university similar to this one back in India. The Way students are taught, the flexibility in Studies, Student support system, infrastructure and what not everything that comes under the sky of education and educational standards is being followed by this university and most of the American Institutes .India being such a big country is in need of University similar to the American Universities .We do have some good institutes in India but they are providing education to a very small part of population of India(not more than 1%) . The economy of India is growing at very fast scale ,Standard of living in increasing ,Per capita income etc are increasing also, But I find missing is world class education in India. In India education system followed is same from decades. I personally feel that the education system in Indian needs a overhaul. Indian students often face the problem of global awareness and this can be sorted out if an institute that can provide them education in American style and bring world class experience in their home country .What is worth more noticing is the Faculty of these American institutes, and is very unfortunate for Indian institutes that we don’t have even a single Noble laureate in any of Indian Institutes . .The backbone of any economy in the world is its education system, India in general is also need of this perfect education system .If I start the university which works somehow in similar pattern as UNCC works that will be first and I am confident best university in India. With the growing literacy rate and income of people, they are seeking better and better. While working on this assignment I just came across the very needful and supportive article.
This is Report published in Forbes (Indian Students Flock to the U.S.Andrew White 08.13.07, 12:00 PM ET)

From the above statistics we can have an idea that how much is the potential in starting the education institute in India that works similar to that of an American style of educating. I know matching with the standards that are here in UNCC will not be an easy task but not impossible as well. This is a challenge to start university of this standard that too in India where lots of demographic and political issues keep on surrounding ,But any institute like this can shape the Future of hundreds and thousands of students who are not able to come over to USA to make their dreams come to true
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