Making yourself important in someone’s life is not a cake walk. We feel, we realize the importance of person in our life only when he is away from us. Person who is dead will get sympathy from everyone, but bigger challenge is to get same sympathy when you are alive. To love someone one is easy task but to get someone’s love is reason of life. Then what is the solution to this problem? How to create space for you in someone heart and soul? , how to become someone’s need? Well there is no such single panacea to all this but yes there is
an approach that may work
, the reason I am writing “may” is because I am not myself sure , I just think that it works . The basic thing to do is to “do everything for that person without expecting anything in return”. This may sound more philanthropic to you, yes it is and it is supposed to be. The day we start expecting it starts hurting as well. The human nature is of such kind that we always look for return on our investment and that creates a problem. When we expect we are indirectly forcing other person to do something for us , we are pushing someone make us realize that we are important in their life . This is what we should avoid to do, easy said than done but yes not impossible. To become someone’s need and to be important to someone you have to make them realize, you have to do certain things which others won’t do for them. He or she should be first priority in your life , you do extremes for that person , you make everything possible for that person , you take away problems of that person , you fulfill happiness in life of that person , no matter how hard is that place of heart to stay in, you will make your own space . You will stay forever in the memories; you will be remembered always.
If we expect something is return is that selfishness, is that a consideration we look for what we paid? Well no clear definition for this but yes expectations should not be built on your side but in the mind and heart of that person whom you want should remember you ……………..
“Someday you will make someone eyes wet for you before that make yours”
Hey Gowhar... i have somthing which can make u famous instantly...what say :P